Monday, March 2, 2009

Got Beer?

"You've got a deal baby, no deer for a month."

With the uber-beer weekend behind us, including the absolute domination of Centurion and the completion of the 141 list, Kylie and I have decided that a self-intervention is required and some unwanted kilos need to be left in the ether before the wedding.

Beer of choice was Grolsh and at 5% it wasn't going to be a pushover. BBQ started at 8.30 and after a couple of warm up beers Centurion was underway at 9.26. The first 10 were actually quite refreshing and between shots everyone was busying themselves with questions of why they were involved? who would pee first? hasn't this song been on before? did you just mark off that shot? why are we using a pictionary timer? and the all important - will i make it to 100?

From 10 onward I can only speak for myself and my next memorable moment was at 30 as I started to feel a little too tipsy to consume the 70 more. Fortunately as the nature of the game suggests, while your sitting there pondering, another 3-4 shots go down and your attention is drawn away faster than a zap of the mozzie repeller.

At 50 the game is well and truly becoming interesting, conversations switched to far more pressing political issues and gas starts emanating from every orifice without warning. I can now confirm that when your trying to make a point about the current economic crisis, Obama or fuel prices - doing a 5 second burp mid sentence doesn't help get your point across............but it definitely makes it funnier!

50 onward is slightly blurred and looking back it could have been the fastest 50 minutes of my life. Several thousand comments about the speed of 1 minute with the result always being that 1 minute must always be 1 minute?!?! Without warning, Centurion took its first victim.........AND its second in very quick succession...........then there was 2. Luckily for us the decisions to stop were voluntary so we were able to continue without delay, foul stenches or the ongoing mental image of watching someone chuck!

90+ were quite fun - knowing that your going to make it means you can relax and enjoy it alot more. 100 hit and that was that - Done. A few photos and laughs later we decided to keep having shots on the minute until we finish the Grolsh carton. Following onto 105, 110, 115, 120.......124 and that was that. In my wisdom I thought we should crack another type of beer and have 1 more shot to get to 125 which was a good milestone, my body did NOT agree! Phil meet Garden, Garden this is Phil.

A few more drinks and a cartwheel competition later it was time for bed.

As readers of the blog will be aware, Kylie and I have been doing the 141 Beer Challenge at the Paddo for the last 141 days and at yesterdays finale we were greeted with a fantastic turnout of friends and fam to catch up with and witness the event. To reach the target I had 6 to drink, Kylie had just 4 and after 3 hours we were there - no problems!

The little cards that they keep behind the bar with all the beers marked off were packed with ticks and crosses in every colour pen/marker you can imagine and it felt quite good to see it complete and get to the end, alive. In the next few months when they put another load of names up on the wall, ours will be there. We can only hope that we counted 141 days correctly! We will also each get a T-Shirt, VIP Card and little plaque for our achievement. Woot

Id just like to thank everyone that turned up on any PYF Wednesday to egg us on, have a meal, a beer and a chin-wag. Was great to see all of you and I hope that we keep catching up regularly for the latest update on your life!

I think I've ranted on enough today so adios all. Stay tuned for the next idiotic thing I've signed up for.....just need to think of something!

P.S. Can anybody do a cartwheel leading with their non-preferred hand?


Simon said...

Geez, you've gone post mad, I've only just caught up.
So - "MR New Guy" - I may be thick, but I didn't get what you meant by this post - you have a new job? You're forming a new Hale & Pace type comedy duo? What?
"Thanks For Nothing" - I NEVER thank the bus driver, purely for the fact that most of them are ignorant gits on the road, and when you're driving along a narrow road, they force you to pull in, and then don't thank you. So f*ck 'em all.
"Poopy Time" - That's just wrong. Wrong and scary. But mainly, wrong.
*phew*... I'll stay more up to date in future!

Anonymous said...

Simon, look closer at the author of each post...

Simon said...

Warren, apologies, call it dim wittedness on my part...