Wednesday, November 11, 2009

A tribute to the GUITAR

I am what can be loosely described as a guitarist, I am able to play the guitar to some degree would be the gist of it really. I enjoy writing songs, "creating" something new and unique (hardly unique in chords used but in the fact they are their own entity). I don't have the time or the inclination to make myself into a good guitarist but I seriously am wowed by the wonder of the instrument itself and what seems to be the limitless possibilities.

Check out these videos to change your perspective on just how versatile it can be
Soundtrack Of The Day: youtube guitarists quite clearly


Phil Dawson said...

GO Go Mario!

Simon said...

Hear hear for the great guitar. I'm the same, I LOVE writing new stuff, and have already recorded a few tracks albeit most are cover versions. Did you hear them? However, I haven't picked mine up for a few weeks now what with one thing and another, and reading this article has made me determined to get back into it again.