Tuesday, September 29, 2009

The White Stripe

So the 2009 AFL season is behind us and it seems some valuable blog real estate has become available until next years round of NTC Footy Tipping.

I'm putting the call out to the brain trust, that's you, to come up with an idea for what to put in the new white space. Could be something funny, could be something serious or it could even be something pointless and pathetic.

All ideas will be bagged by other readers so prepare your feelings for some bitch slapping and a barrage of mis-directed inappropriate comments.

So what do you want to see? Weather updates? Porn? Comics? Joke of the Day? Word of the Day? Knob of the Day? A live video feed of me at my desk picking my nose?

Seed planted - grow thoughts.....

Song Of The Day: Seven Nation Army......what else!


warren said...

we need game of the week, some pointless online thing. and a running weekly scoreboard and at the end of the week the order gets ranking points and we have a overall leaderboard

might i suggest we start with kitty cannon or yetisports?

Phil Dawson said...

good idea but we arent all able to play online games during the day mate!

that'd be like me starting am iPhone app of the week column.......hmmm

Simon said...

- Ask for guest posts (Im sure Kylie has some thoughts she would like to share)
- Recipes that YOU cook
- Current reads / bands you're into
- iPhone app. of the week (I don't know where I got that idea from)
- Quiz of the week

Don't mention it

Anne said...

Quiz of the week!!!!

I bloody love quizzes.