It's the big drawback of sandwiches made with tomato - they go soggy. But now a tomato is about to go on sale that will help your bread stay firm.
Tesco claims to have found the world's first non-leaking tomatoes and expects to have them on its shelves by the end of this week.
Emma Pettitt, the supermarket's tomato buyer, said: 'The arrival of the non-leaking tomato may well be heralded by sarnie fans as the best thing to hit the sandwich world since sliced bread.
'Tomatoes are popular, but unfortunately their juiciness sometimes means that by lunchtime a salad sarnie resembles a piece of wet cardboard. From now on that will be a thing of the past.' She pointed out another advantage to the tomato, which will cost 99p for a punnet of four.
'Tomatoes can be tricky to chop and a squirt of juice can easily end up on the kitchen wall or over your shirt. The non-leaking variety will stop that problem but without the tomato losing any of its taste.'
The tomatoes were grown in Holland under a seed-breeding programme that began in 1986.
After trials using more than 100 varieties the breakthrough came last year when, through natural breeding methods, the growers developed one that held its shape when sliced, baked or diced.
Tests also showed that when making a sandwich from a standard tomato, 8 per cent of its weight is lost after slicing it and a further 12 per cent of the moisture seeps into the bread only an hour later.
The performance of the non-leaking variety is significantly better. Less than one per cent of moisture is lost when the tomato is sliced and only 3 per cent seeps into the bread - but 12 hours after the sandwich is made.
Soundtrack Of The Day: Hottest 100 2008 CD. (thanks Adam & Bel!)
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