Friday, October 22, 2010

Congrats Mila (.....Adele!)

Back on 30/7 I posted a throw away comment about Mila's Daydreams.

If you didn't click the link, its was a site that twice a week, posted a photo of a real sleeping baby in a creative scene depicting what she might be dreaming about. Hard to describe but imagine a coloured cardboard mountain scene on the ground and a sleeping baby carefully placed on it named "The Sound Of Music" - or something much better!

It pulled my creative thread enough to add it to my favourites and check it every now and then for updates.

Today after visiting the site I'm both pleased and disappointed! The pictures were so good that they have all been removed and a publisher has picked them up for a book deal. Mila's mum has put a final posting up saying 'thanks for watching, but that's that'.

So congratulations Adele I've enjoyed seeing what Mila was up to over the last few months and I sure will miss your creative streak gracing my monitor every now and then. I'll keep an eye out for the book for sure.

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