Friday, November 20, 2009

Four Tomatos And A Funeral

Due to the fact that I didn't have enough hooks, I was able to hang 4 of them up neatly, 1 on a long hook and one randomly off the clothesline (yes I was desperate!). Last night I went and invested in a few more outdoor hooks to get the tomato experiment all on an even playing field and neaten it up a bit.

Once we got home I went straight out the back to hang them properly, all together as 1 happy family. However to my horror, the lonely pup that was hanging from the clothesline was plantless! Just a plain ole' bag hanging down with nothing in it. AAAAARGH

My first thought was that the wind had ripped it off as all Perthites will know, its been a wet, wild and windy November (wtf's with that!) hunt began! I looked all over the backyard for the bloody thing, as the photos show it was about a foot long so SHOULD have been quite easy to see I thought. 20 mins of searching all around and I came up empty handed.

So then I started thinking "well if it isn't here, how did it clear the fence?". This brought me to my final conclusion that a crow or something must have had a crack at it and flown away. This COULD have been made easy by the fact that there was an earlier 'incident' with that plant whereby I tried to fashion a hook (again with the bloody hooks!) out of an Ocky Strap. As with every sentence that uses the word fashion to imply making a substandard substitute, it ended with an epic fail...or to be specific...a 4 foot drop to ground zero and because its upside-down, landing directly on the stem of the plant!

In any case, I'm 30 so even though I'm partly to blame, I now shake my fist at all birds!

I've uploaded the next load of pics and please spare a thought for the dearly departed if you go check em out. There IS a little tiny stem still peeking outa the bag so I haven't given up on him yet! Lets just say if it survives, the fruit will taste all the better!

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