Ok, it isn't called the Child Tracker 4000 but this new device from nu.m8 is exactly that.
The idea is definitely a good one and most good ideas are simple: wear watch, track kid. The 2 immediate uses that come to mind are to make sure they are where they SAY they are and as word spread it could become known to 'kid'nappers etc and in my opinion, anything of a plus in that area is excellent. The tracking is done via the manufacturers site and id imagine you'll have to pay a monthly fee to keep tabs on the rugrat.
Essentially, next birthday you surprise little Tommy, Billy, *insert name here* with a braaaaand neeeew watch! WOW, Thanks Dad, you're the best. Now we all know what the first thing is that kids do with a new toy....show their friends. I'm guessing one of the will know about this little company called Google. Once the watch is Googled the name calling and teasing begins :(
I suppose for kids that are around 4-7 this wouldn't be as much of a problem but any older and they're likely to leave it at home. In the wild, if the watch is removed, battery dies or the signal is lost in any way, the site will email you so you know that somethings up.
In any case, its great to see these new devices come into the market as an actual product, not just a concept - Kudos on that nu.m8. Honestly don't think it will be that long before we all start chipping each other, we all forget to upgrade our virus definitions and are all infected with smiley spyware that pops up in front of your eyes at random times.
Ah the future!
21 hours ago
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